Early Edition Toastmasters
A great way to start your week!
You’ve been asked to give a presentation, propose a wedding toast, or be your best at a job interview?
Early Edition Toastmasters can help!

Practice and improve your communication skills while completing a range of projects in the Competent Communicator manual to gain the basic skills needed to present an effective speech.

Being a competent communicator is more than just being able to give a good prepared presentation. At every meeting, we are given the opportunity to become a better listener and conversationalist.

Each member helps play various roles in helping the meeting run smoothly.The projects in the Competent Leader manual help develop the basic skills needed to be an effective leader.
We practice speeches on sometimes topical (or offbeat) themes. By providing peer evaluations, we have fun overcoming our fear of public speaking. Join us to help build confidence and grow your public speaking skills!

Come to a Meeting
You’re welcome to come to any of our meetings. No need to RSVP, just show up. We meet in a room at the South Surrey Arts and Recreation Centre. We are called Early Edition because our meetings start the week every Monday at 7am. (Holidays excluded)

Membership is Easy!
We invite you to visit our club three times to see if it’s a good fit for you. If you like us, you’re welcome to join us. The process is simple. You fill out a short membership form, and pay pro-rated membership dues. Toastmasters International will then mail you your materials and you’ll be started on your first speeches.

Personalized Support
Getting started can sometimes be the hardest part. If you’d like some individual help and support when you’re starting out, we’ll find a mentor for you. By having someone to contact, answer your questions, and help you reach your personal goals, you’ll quickly feel at home.
A Toastmasters meeting is a learn-by-doing workshop in which participants hone their speaking and leadership skills in a friendly atmosphere. Our group averages 20 members and meets bright and early on Monday mornings. A typical meeting lasts 60 – 90 minutes.
There is no instructor in a Toastmasters meeting. Instead, members evaluate one another’s presentations. This feedback process is a key part of the program’s success. Meeting participants also give ad-lib talks on assigned topics, conduct meetings and develop skills related to timekeeping, grammar and parliamentary procedure.
Members learn communication skills by working through the Toastmasters online Pathways Program, a series of self-paced speaking assignments designed to build a basic foundation in public speaking.
Members also learn leadership skills by taking on various meeting roles. In our learn-by-doing approach, we don’t lecture members about leadership skills; we give them responsibilities and mentoring to help. Then we ask them to lead.
Prepared Speeches
At every meeting we have 3 speakers give prepared speeches on a wide range of topics.
Table Topics
These two minute ad-lib speaking sessions are great practice for thinking on your feet.
Considerate Evaluations
Evaluations by fellow members are a chance to learn about strengths and areas to improve.
Seminars and Workshops
Opportunities for further education in collaboration with other Toastmasters Clubs.
Join us for a meeting and discover public speaking with Toastmasters!
For over 20 years Early Edition Toastmasters has provided a proven, step by step system that guarantees exponential personal growth in presentation, public speaking, and leadership skills, plus overall self-confidence in life and business.
We meet every Monday (except holidays) at 7am.
Contact us for further information
Our in-person meetings have been cancelled until further notice. Get in touch using the form below to learn about our virtual meetings starting April 20, 2020.

Early Edition Toastmasters
© 2022 Early Edition Toastmasters,
Surrey BC Canada
Vancouver web design swca
Meeting Schedule
Every Monday
Contact us for more information
email: info@earlyeditiontoastmasters.com
Get in touch!

Early Edition Toastmasters
Meeting Schedule
Every Monday at 7am
(Except Holidays)
South Surrey BC Canada
Contact us for more information
email: info@earlyeditiontoastmasters.com
Get in Touch!
©2020 Early Edition Toastmasters, Surrey BC Canada | Vancouver web design swca